اقتباسات من الرأي العام حول اعتقال اسماعيل الشيخ حسن وانتهاك حرية التعبير

Quotations from the public opinion related to Ismael Shaikh Hassan’s case and the breach to the freedom of expression

AlBared- Updated on 2 September

“وقد اعتبرت أوساط حقوقية، كما عدد من الناشطين في المجتمع المدني، أن اعتقاله يعدّ بمثابة انتهاك لحرية التعبير التي طالما تغنّى بها «بلد الحريات»”- جريدة السفير، 1 أيلول

“عأساس دولة ديمقراطيّة؟!!”تانيا نابلسي

“Am saddened by the arrest of Ismael Sheik Hassan on what appears to be flimsy charges of incitement. The authorities in Lebanon should know that the world is watching what action they take on this humble professional. We call upon all people of good will to speak against this primitive military action.”- Reuben Ngeti, Kenya, 31 Aug.

“وقف التعقبات القضائية…واغلاق هذا الملف بشكل كامل ونهائي” في قضية حرية التعبير لاسماعيل الشيخ حسبيان مركز “سكايز” للحريات الإعلامية والثقافية، 31 آب

“I am a Chinese architect with a degree from K.U.Leuven. Ismae’l was one of my friends in Leuven. He showed his kindness and delicences during his study period. I truly do not believe such a nice person would have any intention on illegal matters. I do hope that the charges by Lebanese government or military acts can be withdrawn”- Wu You, 31 Aug.

“I am very surprised to know about this situation concerning my friend and colleague Ismael. I know how passionate Ismael is in his work concerning the development and reconstruction of the refugee camp. I see no point what so ever in arresting him. Its a pity to take such an action against someone who wants to make life better for inhabitants of the camp rather than encouraging and supporting him”- Yehya Serag, Ain Shams University, Egypt, 30 Aug.

“صديقي اسماعيل يحاكم غداً، بسبب تعبيره عن رأيه، ربما املاً ان تسكته، وتسكتنا جميعاً من بعده، سلطة الترهيب”مزنة، مدونة حكايا


“The detention of Sheikh Hassan follows a number of detentions of journalists and bloggers by Military Intelligence… Under Lebanese law, Military Intelligence does not have the authority to investigate criminal acts, since it is not designated as having the qualities of a judicial police (Art. 38 of Code of Criminal Procedure). Under Article 4 of the Law regulating the General Administration of the Army, Military Intelligence’s role is, rather, to “investigate dangers that affect the security of the army.”- Human Rights Watch, 20 Aug.

“نعلن نحن الموقعون أدناه […] عن مطالبتنا بالإفراج الفوري عن المخطط المديني اسماعيل الشيخ حسن الذي نشط لأكثر من عامين تطوعا في إعادة إعمار مخيم نهر البارد ودافع عن القضايا المدنية لسكان المخيم وزوّاره، وحرص دوما على اداء شهادة الحق، اما فضحا لحالة الإعمار الهزيلة في المخيم والمماطلة اللامنتهية أو لجهة التدابير المتخذة بحق سكان المخيّم المدنيين المشردين على نحو يقارب العقوبة الجماعية (أنظر مقاله في جريدة “السفير” في 12 أيار 2010). ويخشى أن يكون توقيف اسماعيل الشيخ حسن من قبل مخابرات الجيش صباح 18-8- 2010 وتحويله الى المحكمة العسكرية، على خلفية آرائه المنشورة في هذا المجال، مما قد يشكل ضربة قوية لحرية التعبير وانتهاكا جديدا لحظر التوقيف الاحتياطي في قضايا المطبوعا”- العريضة التي بدأ توقيعها في 19 آب أكثر من 150 كاتبا وصحافيا وفنانا وأستاذا وطالبا جامعيا وناشطا وغيرهم

“Open letter to the Lebanese Ambassador in Belgium, the Lebanese Prime
Minister and to the Prime Minister of Belgium:
Dear Excellencies,
It is with utmost concern that we learned Isma’el Sheikh Hassan has been detained and may face a military court for writing an article on the handling of the Nahr El Bared camp disaster. This is in sharp contradiction with Lebanese law […]. His serene and peaceful commitment to help the rebuilding of the camp made a great impression on our entire staff. It is sad that the military cannot take some critique and uses detention and a trial as mere means of intimidation. It is bad for the image of Lebanon in Belgium and in the world. We are told that Lebanon is the cradle of free speech in the Middle East, we hope that the reality is not different. The staff of the department of Architecture and the intellectual and cultural scene in Belgium is
shocked. We condemn this detention and appeal to the military and the Lebanese government to drop the criminal charges against Isma’el Sheikh Hassan. ”- A Belgian petition initiated on 24 Aug. by prof. dr. Lieven De Cauter, philosopher, ASRO, KULeuven, co-promotor of Isma’el research, and Dr. Nurhan Abujidi, and co-signed by others [see the Belgian petition article]

“أوضح [اسماعيل] الشيخ حسن أنه أوقف لدى مخابرات الجيش في اليوم الأول، حيث وجد أمام من حقق معه المقال الذي نشرته «السفير» له في 12 أيار الماضي وفيه انتقادات لسبل التعاطي مع ملف إعادة إعمار المخيم المدمّر، وقد سطرت بعض الجمل بالخط الأحمر”- جريدة السفير، 21 آب

“I do call for the stop of the unfair trial of Ismael Shaikh Hassan”, Dr. Nurhan Abujidi, Visiting Professor, COSMOPOLIS,City Culture and Society, VUB Brussels, Belgium

I join this petition with all my heart”- Alexandru Rauta – colleague and friend during the Advanced Master in Human Settlements 2004/2005, KU Leuven

” اعتقال الشيخ حسن يلي عدداً من الاعتقالات للصحافيين والمدونين نفذتها استخبارات الجيش”- هيومان رايتس ووتش، 20 آب

“Guess what I have been doing for the last 30 minutes? I was reading (and translating bits of) an article by Ismael Sheikh Hassan. The thing is, I had never heard of the man before. I have little interest in urban planners […] But then I read today that he was arrested because of that article. An article in which he scathingly ripped the government and its security forces for scuttling the reconstruction efforts in the Nahr El Bared camp: (My translation)

Three years have passed and nothing has been rebuilt, with the exception of the beams and roofs of the first floors of 30 buildings out of 1900 planned ones. Even the reconstruction “in progress” is blocked, postponed or delayed because of a “bouquet” of regulations, procedures, complications and maddening red tape. […] Moreover, the residents of the camp are still prevented from entering it, from rebuilding their own homes or even from setting up tents on the lands where their houses used to be. They are also prohibited, because of the Military and security siege around the camp, from practicing their business and their normal daily routines.

No wonder some people have been going on hunger strikes in protest against the erosions of civil liberties in Lebanon. Journalists are fighting back by demonstrating and releasing signed statements of protest. Let’s hope it’s not too late.”- by Moustafa from BeirutSpring blog

We already sent a letter to the Lebanese embassy in Belgium to protest Isma’els detention and are preparing one on his military court. Keep up the good work”.- Lieven De Cauter, 22 Aug.

“كان الدور على الصحافيين، هلق أجا دور المهندسين، وبكرا الأطباء”- تعليق على موقع جريدة الأخبار

“First, the Military Tribunal is not competent to hear cases related to press law violations,” Saghieh said. Second, he said, the article was published over three months ago, and the press law says no court cases can be brought against a defendant more than three months after publication[…] Finally, Saghieh said, the press law forbids the arrest of anyone who violates it, rather it imposes fines.”- Quotation by the lawyer Nizar Saghiyye to Now Lebanon, 20 Aug.

“اجد ان أخطر ما في الموضوع هو محاولة استخدام الناس في المخيم ضد الشيخ حسن والاعتداد بهم وبـ”الاخبارية” التي “نقلوها” للجيش لاعتقاله (حسب الصحف). هذا أمر أخطر بكثير من المحاسبة على مقال (ولا يعني القبول بها) لأنه يؤسس للدسائس ولصلة مخابراتية مع الناس، وهو مخالف لأي قانون. هذه عودة رسمية للمكتب الثاني الى المخيمات بعد 40 سنة من خروجه منها”- نهلة، 22 آب

“It’s not only Ismael…There are 20 NGOs and different actors, criticizing the army. It’s alarming that they are targeting Ismael. He’s a PhD student, an academic… Targeting him is a clear message to all of us. There can be no critique of Narh al-Bared; no critique of the army.”- Quotation by Amr Saededdine to Now Lebanon, 20 August.

كي لا تكون انت التالي!! تحرّك! وزارة الدفاع اللبنانية على الخط. هي هنا بكل عنفوانها العسكري. تراقبك. تعتقلك. تقودك إلى التحقيق. ولاحقاً تحيلك إلى المحكمة العسكريّة. والسبب؟ مقالة في جريدة- مدونة هنيبعل

“The [Palestinian political] source said Palestinians are regularly detained if there are any irregularities – not of their own making – on their permits. Jabri goes further, saying that Palestinians are also detained for other petty reasons. “A lot of people are detained for nothing. They’re kept with the military intelligence, and the worst thing is they’re Palestinian,” Quotations to Now Lebanon, 20 Aug.

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